Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Meet the best cupcake i've EVER eaten. The Cookie Monster at Molly's Cupcakes in Chicago. I can't even explain how truly delicious this was...but i'll attempt. It was a moist vanilla cupcake with just a few chocolate chips filled with gooey chocolate chip cookie dough topped with a light buttercream frosting more chocolate chips and a mini cookie. OH MY GOODNESS. Sooo good.

I've committed myself to replicating its goodness.

Otherwise Chicago was a really fun trip. We arrived friday on Amtrak. I've never traveled by train before and it was a lot of fun. Tons of space for each seat with an awesome leg rest and electrical sockets. It takes about as long as driving (minus the traffic) but you can do other things like sleep or work on your thesis.

Nick's brother Cal showed us a great time around the city on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. We tasted Spanish tapas, great chinese food, smoothies with tapioca balls (a lot better than it sounds...and I don't even like tapioca pudding), great homemade pork tenderloin.

Hopefully we'll be back up here again soon!


Unknown said...

haha i thought this was melissa's site at first when i saw the picture of the cupcake! :) (have you read about her cupcake tasting adventures?) glad you had fun in chicago! give me a call if you and/or nick want to do anything these next couple of weeks--james and i have nothing on our calendar!

Jeremy Cavness said...

ha, a little scary taking the entire 8 core processor out, but that's Apple for ya, making it all easy. Anywho, how'd the trip go?! You better have pics. How was Cal?

Jenn Eastman said...

glad you had a good time! loved all your pictures! :)